真難得耶 我週末竟然待在家
不過昨晚ㄉDP真的是不太好玩 可能不喜歡那種感覺吧
不過Taquila shot 好喝好過癮>/////< 多喝了好幾杯
不過今早起來 全身整個痠痛 好要快要散了一樣
不知道是要感冒了還是落枕 脖子整個不舒服
難道有人趁我睡覺時偷打我= =
好累喔>"< 年紀大了 熬夜真ㄉ熬不得哩....
Lene Marlin-Sitting Down Here
Your words cut rather deeply,
They're just some other lies
I'm hiding from a distance,
I've got to pay the price
Defending all against it,
I really don't know why
You're obsessed with all my secrets,
You always make me cry
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
I'm not trying to avoid you,
Just don't wanna hear your voice
When you call me up so often,
I don't really have a choice
You're talking like you know me
And wanna be my friend
But that's really too late now,
I won't try it once again
You may think that I'm a loser,
That I don't really care
You may think that it's forgotten,
But you should be aware
Cause I've learned to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay,
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
But sure I wanna join you for one day.