A variety of factor determines whether the rational arguments or threats of violence and disruption can compromise the political issues of all kinds. When parties of interests are structured with the agreement on the mutually exclusive ideologies, however, the cooperative method is unlikely to take place smoothly. In the economic system, for instance, communism rules out the possibility of capitalism as a proverbial assistance, and vice versa. When a competition for resource involves a zero balance of mutual profit, threats may be the way to achieve a permanent advantage, such as the authority of maneuverer. If Palestine gains the land for living, Israel has to lose it. Peace never happens in the past, even in the future. On the contrary, in the economics based system of cooperation, the competition leaves all parties better off. After all violence bleeds violence, and violence is counterproductive at all costs. Ration always makes parties of interest peaceful and undamaged. However, if there is only one winner can stand out of a political system, the intensive threats may sometimes remind each other of the importance of aggressiveness.