However, in difference circumstances, threats to the political, economic, or social order of another state may be necessary in order to reach certain political compromise. When two nations do not share the common ground, rational argument in the attempt to convince each other the validity of a fundamental idea or policy may be ineffective.
More often than not, the conflict will proceed for years, and the risk of any aspects will force mutual parties at risk. During Cold War, for instance, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. came into agreement to coexist not by the negotiation or argument, but through a mutual understanding that if the unclear attack on the other along with the revenge of the other will collapse the peace on a global scale. It was the credibility of the threat that caused the coexistence of both nations lasting for decades. Another example is the deterioration of ozone layer and global warning. The continue of the neglect to our nature, our offspring will not have joyful living. Only when the current global citizens are compromised by the threat of possibility of the distinction of Homo sapiens, human will realize the significance of the cease of pollution with progressive prevention.