Is the evil spirit incantation???明知不該再看你.總是忍不住???明知ㄧ切無結果.總是拋不去......
Is the evil spirit incantation???請你告訴我..我犯了ㄧ個錯....請你告訴我..這將是無底洞....
Falls into the hell by the heaven. Will endure the heartless fire combustion.......
As if messenger of the Saint. Has lost the wing......
Has lost the protection. What also has to hope????
Is the evil spirit incantation???就讓我從頭開始.一切都歸零......不再由魔咒擺佈我...........
Is the evil spirit incantation???就讓我從新出發.一切將不同.....不再墮入地獄..........