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 日日靜好 的日記本
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篇名: 認命
作者: 日日靜好 日期: 2011.04.18  天氣:  心情:

1. Introduction
Cleome (Cleome gynandra L.) is thought to have originated in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia, and to have spread to other tropical and subtropical countries in the Northern and Southern hemispheres where it is used as a vegetable (Kokwaro, 1976). Cleome is a rich source of nutrients, especially vitamins A and C, minerals (calcium and iron) and protein (Chweya and Mnzava, 1997). In some countries, this leafy vegetable is only available during the relish-gap period, and therefore plays a significant role in household food security during drought season. In Thailand, the leaves and young tender shoots are sold in rural and urban markets by gatherers and growers. Leaves are preserved as a fermented leaf product and consumed as fermented product called pak-sian-dong (FAO, 1990). Cleome can therefore provide a source of income for rural areas, especially for the poor and the unemployed.

Cleome plants are mainly propagated by seed. Keller and Kollmann (1999) reported that germination is a critical stage in the life cycle of weeds and crop plants, and often controls population dynamics, with major practical implications. However, seed germination in cleome is erratic and may take up to 1 year; post-harvest, to reach maximum germination. Poor and delayed seed germination due to dormancy is one of the major problems in the propagation of this crop (Chweya and Mnzava, 1997). It was determined that seeds have a rest period (latency) that extends to the 5th month after collection. Active germination starts 6 months after harvest, and increases to 88% in 3 months (Yepes, 1978). Various pre-treatments, such as chemical and physical treatments were tried and reported that only scarification at the radicle end improved the germination of seeds (Ochuodho et al., 2004).

This research was proposed in the view that information regarding overcoming this trait will enable to advise the producers to have uniform seedlings and good crop stand at seedling stage. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate various factors such as seed maturity, seed storage and germination pretreatments on seed germination in cleome (Ekpong, 2009).

1. 前言
(kokwaro, 1976)的研究結果認為Cleome (Cleome gynandra L.) 原產於熱帶的非洲和東南亞,可以作為食用蔬菜,而且栽種區域已經擴散到南半球的北部其他熱帶和亞熱帶國家。Cleome營養豐富,含有礦物質(鈣和鐵)以及蛋白質尤其是維生素 A和C,(Chweya and Mnzava, 1997)。在一些國家乾旱的季節,這是唯一可用的葉菜類蔬菜,在泰國有業者種植和採集葉以及嫩筍銷售。Cleome葉片是受到保護的,因為葉片生產的酵素可以作為發酵產品銷售,名為百仙洞(FAO, 1990),所以在農村地區Cleome對於窮人和失業者可以提供一個收入的來源。

Cleome主要是利用種子繁殖。根據Keller和Kollmann(1999)的報告,在雜草和作物的生命週期,發芽是一個關鍵時期,往往控制了人口數量的動態,和實際上重要意義。然而,cleome種子的萌發是不穩定的,採收後,要達到最高的發芽率,可能需要長達 1年。由於休眠引起的貧困和種子延遲發芽,對這種作物的繁殖是一個主要的問題 (Chweya and Mnzava, 1997)。據測定,種子有一個休眠期(潛伏期),延伸至採集後的第5個月。收割6個月後種子開始發芽,而且在第3個月時增加至88% (Yepes, 1978)。各種前處理,如化學和物理處理試驗和報告說的,只有割傷胚根末端才能提高種子的發芽率 (Ochuodho et al., 2004)。

本研究提出的觀點,就報告的資料來說提供建議克服休眠的特性將使生產者在苗期有整齊的苗群和好收成。因此,本研究的目的是為了評估如種子成熟度,種子貯藏和發芽前處理各種因素對cleome種子萌發的影響 (Ekpong, 2009)。


Various pre-treatments, such as chemical and physical treatments were tried and reported that only scarification at the radicle end improved the germination of seeds (Ochuodho et al., 2004).

光是 radicle end 我就查了半天也搞不懂










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