1. 乳製品:牛奶,優格與起司被認為是對骨骼有益的,尤其是兒童。但廠商額外添加不必要的激素和抗生素會破壞好的乳製品。
Dairy products: Milk, yogurt and cheese are considered healthy bone-strengtheners, especially for children, but the additions of hormones and antibiotics undermine the simple goodness of commercial dairy products.
2.馬鈴薯:商業種殖的馬鈴薯常殘留過量的農藥。要吃之前得先將馬鈴薯洗淨,去皮,才不會吃到過多的農 藥。
Potatoes: They are an American staple, but commercially farmed potatoes are among the most pesticide-filled vegetables, and they still contain residues after being washed
and peeled.
3.肉品(包括家禽和蛋類): 肉類產品常含有抗生素,激素,甚至含砷...等重金屬,用來促近動物的快速成長。
Meat (including poultry and eggs): Animal products can contain antibiotics,
hormones and even heavy metals like arsenic that is used to prompt an animal’s
rapid growth.
Ketchup: Even besides the pesticide issue, research has shown organic
ketchup has nearly double the good-for-you antioxidants of conventional ketchup.
Apples: Apples are among the most pesticide-filled fruits out there. These days, an organic apple a day is the key to keeping the doctor away.
6. 咖啡:傳統的咖啡種植必須仰賴農藥的使用,並使得全球森林遭到砍伐。
Coffee: Conventional coffee farming relies heavily on pesticide use and contributes to deforestation around the globe.
7.堅果和種子(包括花生果醬和堅果果醬):農藥和消毒殺菌劑是生產這些堅果類的食品常用的,許多堅果產品都是經過 漂白而成的。
Nuts and seeds (including peanuts and nut butters): Pesticides and
fungicides are rampant in the production of these foods, and many varieties are
bleached after harvest.