Aiyo, who taught you that?
Aiyo, I knew that ever since I was born, don't you know?
Aiyo, nonsense
中國風的歌曲 有增無減
Oriental style music knows no end
是好是壞 問方文山最清楚
Whether it's good or bad, Vincent Fang knows it best
從娘子唱到雙截棍 東風破到髮如雪
Since "Wife" to "Nunchucks" "East Wind Breaks" to "Hair Like Snow"
一路走來始終如一 多樣的曲風 獨愛中國風
I stay consistent all this while, among the musical styles, I only adore the Oriental style
我堅持風格 我活在我的世界
I persist in my style, I live in my own world
誰都插不上嘴 唱反調 是我的本性
Nobody can butt in, being the devil's advocate is my true self
Being unpredictable is my personality
就算我站在山頂 也只不過是個平民老百姓
Even if I am at the peak, I am just a normal civilian
但我的肩膀 會有兩塊空地
But my shoulders will have two spaces
那就是勇氣與毅力 我要做音樂上的皇帝
For courage and perseverance, I want to be the emperor of music
哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮
Heng heng ha hee Heng heng ha hee
下坡的路 不費功夫 別人已經幫你鋪路
The path downhill requires no effort, others have already paved the road for you
但我選擇上坡 因為我取名叫自負
But I choose the way uphill because Ive named myself conceited
謙虛和那虛偽 就差一個字
Between modesty and hypocrisy is a fine line
有時有點分不清 因為我喜歡真實的自己
Sometimes I can't differentiate because I really like my true self
我不能夠後退 因為不是綠葉
I can't back up because I am not second class
如果只是點綴 願當皎潔明月
If I can only be for decoration, I want to be the pure moon
小草等待風吹 不用靠你的背
The grass is waiting for the wind, I don't have to lean on you
假如天會很黑 我會請嫦娥奔月
If the sky gets really dark, I will get Chang-Er to fly to the moon
為什麼寫這首歌 我現在還找不到動機
Why did I write this song, I still havent found the motive
不過用心聽下去 你會覺得更有意義
bu guo yong xin ting xia qu / ni hui jue de geng you yi yi
But listen on carefully, you will see the underlying meaning
如果你對未來產生恐懼 眼前霧濛濛一片
If you develop fears for the future and cant see clearly in this uncertainty
That's because you didn't clean your glasses enough
勇敢走下去 這首歌會陪你前進
Move on bravely, this song will accompany you forward
我常常在想 宇宙只有一顆太陽
I often think, there is only one sun in the universe
為什麼我的影子這麼多 這麼像
wei she me wo de ying zi zhe me duo / zhe me xiang
Why do I have so many shadows that look like me
戰勝幻象 和我一樣
Defeat the illusion, just like me
To those who like to imitate:
祟拜是件好事 欣賞是種美德
Idolization is a good thing, appreciation is a virtue
但走在我後面 我很擔心 別人會看不見你
But walking behind me, I am really worried that others can't see you
In the end, it's just replicas one after another.
這樣的鼓勵 是否太直接太諷刺
Is encouragement like this too direct and too sarcastic?
老師在講 到底有沒有在聽啊
lAre you listening when the teacher is talking?
我告訴你 做自己勝於跟太緊
Let me tell you, being yourself beats following others too closely
zui da de di ren jiu shi na nei xin de zi ji
The biggest enemy is your inner self
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh
Aiyo, not bad"
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh
Aiyo, long time no see"
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh
"哎喲 你的意思是?
Aiyo and your meaning is?"
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh
You can always "aiyo" when you have nothing to say"
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔嘿
Aiyo aiyo oh, aiyo aiyo oh oh hey
{掌声的鼓励一下} ^_^
Music: Jay Chou
Lyrics: Jay Chou |