After my 5 hours stay in the ER, I was greeted 'cordially' by the outrageous snowstorm. Worse, I did not bring my umbrella, nor my beanie. So for the final stretch of walk back home, I have to walk into the snowstorm. Apparently, the sight was not pretty. Snow piled on top my head, making my hair stiffer than any kind of gel you can find in the world, plus my face suffering the worst froze bite ever in my life, and of course I became a walking as I walked in the middle of the street, which was totally devoid of car due to the crazy snowstorm, I virtually owned the road....heehaw....kinda cool. I finally arrived at the ever-so-warm home of mine, and what a welcoming change it was!! Then I started melting.....back to my old self....^_^'''. All in all, great experience.