喜歡蜷縮在這夜幕降臨的時刻,零零碎碎的寫下點心情。我想這是我唯一能做的了,歲月早已磨去我的棱角,在我如花的臉龐上肆意刻畫著她的痕跡... 在這個承諾輕如薄紙的年代,我總是想讓自己傻傻的,傻到不為承諾所困,也許我真的是傻子,一個愛做夢的傻子。或許似我這般懷舊的人根本就不能涉及情感吧!在一個個寂寞夜裡,心裡某些不為人知的情緒任意空氣中蔓延。讓不安的靈魂一次又一次在這如水月光裡沸騰... It is hard to meet, but hard to part too, the east wind languid, hundreds of flowers wasted. A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death. A candle`s tears dry only when it is burned down to ashes. In the morning`s bronze mirror, you worry about the change in your hair, and you feels the moonlight cold, reading alone in the night. Mount Penglai, so celebrated in fairy tales, cannot be located far away. Oh Bluebird, please go there kindly, and take a look for me. 小陳