It was a million tiny little things.
When you added them all up, it just meant we were supposed to be together.
And I knew it. I knew it the first time I touched her.
It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known.
I was just taking her hand... to help her out of a car... and I knew it.
It was like... Magic.
西雅圖夜未眠--電影原聲影帶 共10首
1-Jimmy Durante - As Time Goes By
2- Louis Armstrong - A Kiss To Build A Dream On
3- Nat King Cole- Stardust
4- Makin' Whoopee
5- In the wee small hours of the morning
6- Joe Cocker-Bye Bye Blackbird
7- Harry Connick Jr's A Wink and A Smile
8- Tammy wynette "Stand by your man"
9- Jimmy Durante- Make Someone Happy
10- Celine Dion & Clive Griffin- When I Fall In Love