***此篇收入了一些Amellia在學校發生的趣事*** ☆老師篇☆ ★One day during management lecture★ **lecture:Hey,you.yeah the guy at the back.don't you know it's rude to read news paper while i am lecturing ? **student : sorry sir. ~a while later ~ **lecture:I've just changed my mind..you should go back on reading..it's quieter. ~LAUGHS~ ★某天的管理學課中★ 某某教授:喂,就是你啦..坐在後面的..我在上面講課你在下面看報紙.這樣很沒禮貌你知道嗎? 某某學生:很抱歉..先生 ~一陣子後~ 某某教授:我回心轉意了..同學,你還是繼續看你的報紙吧..這樣還安靜點.. ~大笑~ ========================我是分格線分格線是我======================== ★One day during english★ **Teacher: The corn ship in 19XX students:.......... **Teacher: No i meant ,corn chips.. students:............. **Teacher: no, Court chips.. students:... **Teacher:........ok it's court ships 我只能說..老師..您的大舌頭也太嚴重了吧 ========================我是分格線分格線是我========================(未完)