*版主公告* 明天颱風天..如果不用上班的.. 就好好的在家休息喔..:D *生活點滴* 終於找到時間去剪頭髮了~~ 換了一個新的髮型~~雖然只是變短.. 但希望能夠有好心情喔..^^" *職場傳真* 唉~~怎麼老有人愛自以為是的亂搞.. 完全破壞原有的規劃丫~~真是無言..>"<.. *心情隨筆* 最近的政客~~還在打那個莫明其妙的議題.. 什麼時候才能夠轉到真正的民生議題上丫?? 給我們牛肉..給我們可見的未來吧~~[-o< *好歌分享* People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool With her sexuality I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls Like Staying home and being innocent My mouth never takes a holiday I always shock with the things I say I was always the kid in school who turned up to eachclass Bout an hour late and when it came to the guys I'd lay I'd always pick the ones who wont figure out that I am clearly a rebel to the idea of monogamy