A man died...
When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.
Dialog between God and Dead Man:
God: Alright son, it’s time to go
Man: So soon? I had a lot of plans...
God: I am sorry but, it’s time to go
Man: What do you have in that suitcase?
God: Your belongings
Man: My belongings? You mean my things...
Clothes... money...
God: Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth
Man: Is it my memories?
God: No. They belong to Time
Man: Is it my talent?
God: No. They belong to Circumstance
Man: Is it my friends and family?
God: No son. They belong to the Path you travelled
Man: Is it my wife and children?
God: No. they belong to your Heart
Man: Then it must be my body
God: No No... It belongs to Dust
Man: Then surely it must be my Soul!
God: You are sadly mistaken son. Your Soul belongs to me.
Man with tears in his eyes and full of fear took the suitcase from the God's hand and opened it...
( Bach / Heifetz / Friedman, 1960: Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 )
With heartbroken and tears down his cheek he asks God...
Man: I never owned anything?
God: That’s Right. You never owned anything.
Man: Then? What was mine?
God: your MOMENTS.
Every moment you lived was yours.
Life is just a Moment.
似乎頗有 Line 老掉牙的驚世警句味況,不過其中有一句Jackie恕難認同。
Guess which one is it?![](http://img.i-part.com.tw/images/feelings/feelings_26.gif)