Kerris Dorsey performs "The Show" by Lenka ==================================== I'm just a little bit caught in the middle 我只能算是個不好也不差的人 Life is a maze, and love is a riddle 生命像是一個迷宮,愛也是個謎語 I don't know where to go 我不知道該去哪裡 Can't do it alone 我不能一個人去面對這些事 I've tried, but I don't know why 我好累,但卻不知道為什麼 Slow it down, make it stop 讓它慢下來,讓它停下來 Or else my heart is going to pop 否則我的心跳會跳的太快 Cause it's too much, yeah it's a lot 因為這些事情太多了,太難了 To be something I'm not 去完成一些事情,那不會是我 I'm a fool out of love 我是個笨蛋,被摒除在愛之外 Cause I just can't get enough 因為我總是不能夠滿足 I'm just a little bit caught in the middle 我只能算是個不好也不差的人 Life is a maze, and love is a riddle 生命像是一個迷宮,愛也是個謎語 I don't know where to go 我不知道該去哪裡 Can't do it alone 我不能一個人去面對這些事 I've tried, but I don't know why 我好累,但卻不知道為什麼 I'm just a little girl lost in the moment 我只是一個在此刻迷失自我的小女孩 I'm so scared but I don't show it 我好害怕,但我試著將恐懼隱藏起來 I can't figure it out 我沒有能力去弄清楚這些事 It's bringing me down 它真的快要擊倒我了 I know, I've got to let it go 我知道,我應該要放手讓它走 And just enjoy the show 只要好好享受這場秀就好 The sun is hot in the sky 太陽在天上,看起來很燙 Just like a giant spotlight 就像一個超大的聚光燈 The people follow the signs 人們都跟隨著它的只是 And synchronize in time 跟它起舞 It's a joke, nobody knows 真的只是個笑話,但沒人知道 They got a ticket to the show 他們得到了看秀的門票 Yeah 耶 I want my money back(You just a loser Dad)我想拿我的錢回來(你只是個失敗的老爸) I want my money back(You just a loser Dad)我想拿我的錢回來(你只是個失敗的老爸) I want my money back(You just a loser Dad)我想拿我的錢回來(你只是個失敗的老爸) Just enjoy the show 就好好享受這場秀吧