In the year of '39 assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen
And the night followed day
And the storytellers say
That the score brave souls inside
For many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back, never feared, never cried
Don't you hear my call
Though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
In the year of '39 came a ship in from the blue
The volunteers came home that day
And they bring good news of a world so newly born
Though their hearts so heavily weigh
For the earth is old and grey
To a new home we'll away
But my love this cannot be
For so many years have gone
Though I'm older but a year
Your mother's eyes in your eyes cry to me
Don't you hear my call
Though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
All the letters in the sand
Cannot heal me like your hand
For my life still ahead
Pity me
回到歌曲本身,布萊恩‧梅伊用原音吉他(acoustic guitar)奏出經典的和絃行進及指法,搭配帥哥羅傑‧泰勒(Roger Tayler)的鈴鼓及大鼓,約翰‧狄肯(John Deacon)的貝斯,主唱佛萊迪‧墨裘瑞(Freddie Mercury)的磁性歌聲(這首歌布萊恩和佛萊迪都曾主唱過),當然還有該團的招牌-華格納歌劇式的華麗合聲,您可細聽羅傑泰勒在Don't you hear my call 及Aah, aah, aah, aah這兩段和聲中的飆高音。
另外,細心的聽眾可能會發現布萊恩‧梅伊精心佈局的歌詞中有一點邏輯上的疏失,就是這句「Your mother's eyes from your eyes cry to me 在你眼中,我看見你母親對著我哭泣」,如果太空探險家出發時小孩才1歲,百年後回到地球小孩已是人瑞級的101歲,因為百歲人瑞並不多見,若將母親改為祖母會更合理。