The memorial songs blow to the forest, meeting with you beside the water.
Pass by dark load with all the nightmares, aside the heavy snowy winter.
I used to be your hardboard and I had fed the wild wolfs' hunger.
I still was missing our moving shadows along with the silver river.
"It is sincerely from the bottom of my heart of spring.
This is the story about the future pictures of our everything."
What you taught to me inspired the confidence of the meaning.
No matter what it is now about the story always means something.
What is love?
Should tears fill my eyes, as the sea cover with the red sunset's appreciation?
I am still learning how to love, as the green mountain earning the nature’s celebration.
小清近日不慎 健行途中為圖一時方便 居然為濃繡黃蝕的鐵絲網所傷 以致左眼下方處略微"小破相" 當時血流如注 僅僅以 2公分之差就可能有失明之虞 所幸儘速止血 並前往診所就醫 且注射破傷風預防針之後 百忙之餘 近日亦正在療傷之中 所以並無心思上愛寓寫文 對於留言及未能回心友人 謹此深致歉意 還望海涵 今日謹以舊詩一首濫竽充數