周一(18日),美國著名搖滾樂團老鷹Eagles的主唱兼吉他手Glenn Frey,因風濕性關節炎、急性潰瘍性結腸炎和肺炎引起的併發症,在紐約病逝,享年67歲。Eagles憑《加州旅館》(Hotel California) The one you love, Desperado等名曲雄踞1970年代美國流行歌曲榜。
Hotel California 專輯 1976年發行以來 高據排行榜冠軍達八周之久 僅美國就賣了1600萬張
老鷹樂團得過六次 格蘭姆獎Grammy Awards:
(1975) Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Duo, Group or Chorus: "Lyin' Eyes"
(1977) Record of the Year: "Hotel California" (single)
(1977) Best Arrangement for Voices: "New Kid in Town"
(1979) Best Rock Vocal performance by a Duo or Group: "Heartache Tonight"
(2008) Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals: "How Long"
(2009) Best Pop Instrumental Performance: "I Dreamed There Was No War"