Hi i am back after so long again....
Been busy with exam and practical test
Just got all the pract result yesterday
Super Sad now...all only C or C+
I find the teachers super biase against those scholars....
Wat so big deal about a few of them...
I don t believe their result is always so good
Can you imagine someone who get A for everything??Every subject
Well we cannot do anythig as they are the one who mark the exam
We don t know what is our exact score
Hai dpn t let this bother me!!!
Ok now i have about 2 week holiday
Before i go to TTSH for attachment in Hands Department
Hope everything goes smoothly
Hai have no idea how to celebrate SK birthday...
Have been asking the rest how to celebrate but no one wan to reply
SUPER angry with them!!!! :(
I came out with an idea ask them and still never reply
I decide not to do anything now jus wait for them
If they do not reply than the most we just buy a cake and treat her to a dinner
OK just wanna take a break from all these