dear Yah shuang 我不得不跟妳說這些話 會打在日記上代表我釋懷了。 一開始,我經過妳是因為想認識妳 然後固定放一點時間在妳那兒... 在發生那些事情之後, 我對妳的態度變了,原先 是沒有多餘的時間播給妳 後來,發現因為妳我才失去了我有的. i'm envy you, coz you have more something that i never had. i have to apologize to you, you know im not meant to hurt you. your heart is liberality, i think you can understand what i am thinking, we are both woman, althought i am very narrow-minded. i would not give you any blessing, i know you would not need. treasure the emotion of you two, and have a good life. 不管你看不看得到,事實都在眼前,回憶都成過去。 你要怎麼看我,我無所謂了,我不認為我們有錯,錯的是唯一的他。