流力部分(Momentum Transport)
Chaper 1:Introduction(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 2:Velocity Distribution in Laminar flow(預定4天內結束)
Chaper 3:Differential Eq. of fluid flow(預定4天內結束)
Chaper 4:Velocity Distributions with more than one independent
variable(預定3天內結束)PS:包含邊界層理論(Boundary layer theory)
質傳部分(Mass transfer)
Chaper 1:Fundamentals of Mass Transfer(預定1天內結束)
Chaper 2:Differential Eq. of Mass transfer(預定1天內結束)
Chaper 3:Moecular Diffusion(預計4天內結束)
Chaper 4:Convection mass transfer(預定3天內結束)PS:包含邊界層理論
Chaper 5:The others mass transfer(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 1:Heat transfer equipments(預定1天結束)
Chaper 2:Distillation(預定4天內結束)
Chaper 3:Gas-liquid separation process(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 4:Liquid-Liquid separetion process(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 5:Humidity&hHumidity chart(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 6:Drying(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 7:Settling in particle-fluid separation(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 8:Piping system and pump(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 9:Flow Measurements(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 1:Introduction
Chaper 2:The first law and other Basic Concepts(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 3:Volumetric Behaviors of pure fluids(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 4:Heat effect(預定1天內結束)
Chaper 5:The 2nd law of thermodynamics(預定3~4天內結束)
Chaper 6:Thermodynamic properties of fluids(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 7:Thermodynamic properties of homogeneous mixxture
Chaper 8:Phase equilibrium(預定6天內結束)
Chaper 9:Thermodynamic Analysis of flow process(預定1~2天內結束)
Chaper 1:Introduction and Kinetics of homogeneous rxn(預定3天內結束)
Chaper 2:Interpretation of Batch reactor data(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 3:Chemical system involving multiple rxns(預定2天內結)
Chaper 4:Single ideal reactors(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 5:Multiple reactor design for single rxn(預定2天內結束)
Chaper 6:Design for multiple rxns(預定2天內結束)