She Will Be Loved Beauty queen of only eighteen (美麗的她,年方十八) She had some trouble with herself (不過,她這個人比較麻煩) He was always there to help her (有一個男人,總是會出現在她身邊) She always belonged to someone else (但是,他和她卻只是『好朋友』?) I drove for miles and miles (我開很久的車) And wound up at your door (最後到了她家門口停下來) I’ve had you so many times but somehow (我和她這樣共處一室已經好多次了) I want more (但是,我卻還想要更多)
I don’t mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain (我不介意常常被妳叫來,刮風下雨也不例外) Look for the girl with the broken smile (我到妳家,來安慰被另一個男人所傷的妳) Ask her if she wants to stay awhile (我會問,她是不是想要我在這裡陪她一下) And she will be loved (有一天,她會找到一個愛她的男人) She will be loved (一定會的) Tap on my window knock on my door (妳有時來找我,敲我的門,輕叩我家窗戶) I want to make you feel beautiful (我都伸出援手,我只想讓你覺得快樂) I know I tend to get insecure (我知道,我這樣作,只是苦了我自己) It doesn’t matter anymore (但是沒關係,這樣我就滿足了) It’s not always rainbows and butterflies (人生,本來就不是只有彩虹和蝴蝶) It’s compromise that moves us along (人生還有很多妥協和犧牲) My heart is full and my door’s always open (我的心,我的家門永遠為妳而開) You can come anytime you want (妳什麼時候想來都可以)
I don’t mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain (我不介意,每次都去安慰被男友傷害的你) Look for the girl with the broken smile (或是看著你強顏歡笑) Ask her if she wants to stay awhile (我總是問她,是不是需要我陪她 一會)And she will be loved (唉……她會得到真愛的) She will be loved (有人會給她幸福) I know where you hide Alone in your car (我知道你躲在車子裡不肯出來) Know all of the things that make you who you are (你也知道,其實你的問題是什麼) I know that goodbye means nothing at all (我知道,這次的『再見』,並沒有什麼意義) Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls (因為,每次她心碎時,就會來找我安慰她)
Tap on my window knock on my door (妳總會在適當的時刻來找我) I want to make you feel beautiful (我從不拒絕你,因為我希望,你能重展歡顏) I don’t mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain (我不在意你只有在傷心的時候才會想到我,我隨傳隨到,風雨無阻) Look for the girl with the broken smile (我倆間的模式就是這樣,我看著妳每次失戀時,臉上詭異的微笑) Ask her if she wants to stay awhile (再問妳是不是想要我陪你一會兒) And she will be loved (她會找到一個好男人的) She will be loved (我希望,那個男人就是我啊!)