Susan: Last night I made 63 chocolate 2 -covered strawberries 3 for my boyfriend!
Trevor: Why did you make so many? I just went to the store and bought my girlfriend a box of chocolates; easy as pie!
Susan: Well, we ve been dating for 63 days and I thought it was a sweet idea.
Trevor: A sweet idea, literally 4 !
Susan: I m also making a handmade 5 Valentine out of red paper and lace 6 .
Trevor: You sure are handy 7 . I ve arranged 8 a couple of musicians to serenade 9 my girlfriend on her doorstep 10 .
Susan: Wow, is that going to be expensive?
Trevor: Not really. I have a few friends who play in the orchestra 11 . They ve agreed to play for a fraction 12 of the cost, it would take a lot to hire 13 professionals.
Susan: You ve shown a lot of ingenuity 14 planning your Valentine s Day.
Trevor: Thanks. But I m glad it only happens once a year.
-Cylinda Marquart
1. perfect adj. 完美的 2. chocolate n. 巧克力 3. strawberry n. 草莓
4. literally adv. 精確地(用於加強語氣) 5. handmade adj. 手工製的 6. lace n. 蕾絲、花邊
7. handy adj. 手巧 8. arrange v. 佈置 9. serenade v. 唱或奏小夜曲
10. doorstep n. 門階 11. orchestra n. 管絃樂隊 12. fraction n. 小部份,少許
13. hire v. 僱用 14. ingenuity n. 創意