檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1593019
 我是真心的...暉仔 的日記本
男性朋友和男朋友的區別 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 最能考驗男人是否愛你的7件事
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 女孩想要、但是絕對不會開口的6
作者: 我是真心的...暉仔 日期: 2011.08.17  天氣:  心情:
1. Touch her waist.
1. 摟她的腰

2. Actually talk to her.
2. 跟她真正的談話

3. Share secrets with her.
3. 和她分享秘密

4. Give her 1 of your sweatshirts
4. 給她一件你的襯衫

5. Kiss her slowly.
5. 溫柔地親她

6. Hug her.

7. Hold her.
7. 抱住她

8. Laugh with her.
8. 和她一起笑

9. Invite her everywhere.
9. 帶她去你去的地方

10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
10. 和朋友們出去玩的時候也帶上她

11. Smile with her.
11. 和她一起微笑

12. Take pictures with her.
12. 和她合影

13. Pull her onto your lap.
13. 讓她坐在你的膝上

14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
14. 當她說她愛你多一些的時候,告訴她你愛她更多

15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can t get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
15. 當她的朋友說ta愛她比你多的時候,要說不對,然後緊緊抱住她,使她不能到朋友身邊。這讓她感到被愛

16. Always hug her and say hi whenever you see her.
16. 見到她的時候,總是擁抱她,對她說Hi

17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
17. 在意料不到的時候親她

18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
18. 從後面抱住她的腰

19. Tell her she s beautiful.
19. 告訴她她很漂亮

20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
20. 實話實說告訴她你對她的感覺

21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car (if any)- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
21. 為她開門,陪她走到車邊(如果有的話)——這讓她有安全感,再說了,有點紳士風度也不收你錢

22. Tell her she s your everything - ONLY if you mean it.
22. 當你真的這麼想的時候,告訴她她是你的一切

23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her.
23. 如果她看起來有心事,問問她——如果她說沒有,說明她不想談!!!!——所以給她一個擁抱

24. Make her feel loved.
24. 讓她感到你是愛她的

25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know
25. 在你的異性朋友面前親她

26. DON T lie to her
26. 不要對她說謊!!

27. DON T cheat on her!
27. 別腳踏兩只船!!

28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants
28. 帶她去任何她想去的地方

29. Text messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
29. 每天早上給她發短信或是打電話,告訴她今天要好好的,還要告訴她你有多想她

30. Be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn t need you, just be there so she ll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
30. 無論什麼時候,都陪伴在她身邊,讓她知道她永遠可以依賴你

31. Hold her close when she s cold so she can hold YOU too.
31. 很冷的時候抱緊她,因為這樣她也可以抱緊你

32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
32. 獨處的時候,抱緊她,吻她

33. Kiss her on the CHEEK: (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
33. 吻她的臉頰(告訴她你想吻她了)

34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
34. 看電影的時候,把她摟在懷裏,這樣她就會自己把頭放在你的肩膀上,然後請你微微抬起她的臉頰,然後輕輕地親她

35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you re mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
35. 永遠不要讓她離開,不管你是開玩笑還是真的生氣了。如果她不高興了,請安慰她

36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
36. (不知道Diss什麼意思!所以我就胡扯了啊)當人們開她玩笑,嘲笑她的時候,要替她說話

37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
37. 凝望她的眼睛,告訴她你愛她

38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so you can cuddle.
38. 在星空下躺下,讓她把頭放在你的胸口,這樣你就可以摟住她

39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
39. 和她說話的時候,握住她的手

40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible
40. 和她擁抱的時候,抱的越長越好

41. Call or text her EVERY night to wish her SWEET DREAMS
41. 每晚都要給她打電話或發短信祝好夢

42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
42. 當她哭泣的時候,安慰她,為她拭去淚水

43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
43. 晚上和她出去散步,走很長時間

44. ALWAYS remind her how much you love her.
44. 總是提醒她你有多愛她

45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
45. 坐在她後面一排,告訴她你多愛她,然後彎下腰吻她

46. Rub her back--feels good
46. 用手摩挲她的後背——感覺很好

47. Give her your coat if she s cold--thats always cute
47. 她冷的時候給她你的外衣——總是感覺很貼心

48. Write letters on her back with your finger--feels good ;D
48. 用手指在她後背寫字——感覺很好

49. Let her sit on your lap
49. 讓她坐在你膝上

50. DON T poke her hard...but if you want to mess around just do it lightly.
50. 別戳得太狠...但是想和她開玩笑的時候就輕輕地戳她:D

51. HOLD her HAND in PUBLIC.
51. 在公共場合下握住她的手

52. Even if she looks BAD one day tell her she s BEAUTIFUL
52. 告訴她她有多美——即使有一天她看起來不咋的

53. Keep conversations flowing...talk about anything usually they just go along with it.
53. 讓你們的對話一直延續下去...她會和你一直說下去

54. If their hair is in their face move it out of her face and then kiss her passionatley and gently.
54. 如果她的頭發遮住了臉,拂開頭發然後溫柔又不失激情地吻她

55. Surprisingly sneek up on her and hug her from behind--loves it.
55. 悄悄到她身邊然後從背後抱住她——最愛

56. Kiss her in the rain.
56. 在雨中吻她

57. Pick her up like in The Notebook and kiss her.
57. 把她像電影the Notebook裏那樣抱起來然後吻她

58. Slow dance with no music
58. 和她慢慢地跳舞...不用音樂

59. Don t ignore her or be nerveous around her--everything is going to be okay.
59. 不要忽視她,不要緊張,在她身邊,一切都會好起來

60. Love her, kiss her, hold her, and you ll be good to go.
60. 愛她,吻她,抱住她,這樣一切都會解決
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