Sandra: “ Hi! Ming, this is Sandra…… how are you today??”
Ming: “ Hello…… I am fine, thank you… How are you today? I went Bravo this evening, but no one was there…… do you have to work today?”
Sandra: “ I know…. You were there too early……. They usually start around 11 pm on Saturday….. Are you still coming tonight??”
Ming: “ I am eating in Café Asia now…..Maybe I will stop by before going home….”
Sandra: “ Ok… if you wanna come …. You can come over now, I am already here….but I might have no time to talk to you, because I have to check all the stuff and clean up the bar…..I will very busy before 11pm……”
Ming: “ That’s fine….I am waiting a friend of mine right now….. It might take a while….. once I meet up with my friend we will go over there….”
Ming: “Alright…… I found out that I am probably the only Asian tonight….”
Sandra: “Yes, I know……I cant believe that you really come down here….”
Ming: ”Why?? I just got off my office and just wanna see you before going home…. On top of that, I haven’t never been here on Saturday night……Hanging around to see what is going on at Bravo every Saturday…..”
Sandra: “You shouldn’t come….This is not a good place to hang around on Saturday, Ming…… Most of the people here today are Latinos….. “
Ming: “Wow…..I didn’t know that…… “[:|]
回到吧台後 Sandra 一直眼神與手勢暗示Ming 趕快回家睡覺 似乎一直再暗示…..”夜深了非拉丁人士此地不宜久留….” Ming 觀察了一下四週 果真連美國人都很少 95% 都是拉丁人 混雜著少數的黑人 以及一些少數的白種人 此外另外加兩個極少數的黃種人(Ming, Joseph)…… 大約一點多 Ming 真的被這裡超大聲的音樂吵到頭昏腦脹 每次講個話都要用吼的 大概今晚也吼累了 喝完第三杯啤酒後 Ming 便跟Sandra 互道晚安 臨走前Sandra 對著Ming啾起了雙唇扎了一下眼睛 給了Ming一個飛吻 或許這是拉丁人的熱情或許又是Ming的大腦開始胡思亂想 ……