I have always thought that when you put in your 110%, you will get something in return. That is applicable for medicine and your relations with others. But these past few years, I have realized that you can't always get what you want. Even if you've tried your best in everything you do, there are just some things you just don't have control over, such as my ages and medical schools. I asked for every advice possible, did every internship I can enhance my advantage, and did research for a chairman of my future with publications.
Like in life, I tried my best to develop and nourish my relationships with family. But, I later realized that once time passes on, I cannot control how natural selection of excellence looks at me. Just like how I realized that I have no ways of expecting how my destiny should treat me based on what I've put in.
It's tough, but I have to let go unapproachable expectation.
PS~ This is a paraphrase from my friend's journal.