歌手:Regina Spektor(蕾吉娜.史派克特)
歌名:Fidelity(2006年專輯【Begin to Hope】)
1980年俄羅斯莫斯科出生,美籍俄裔女歌手、鋼琴家,2003重新發行專輯「Soviet Kitsch」,獲得滾石、浮華世界等各大媒體雜誌一致推薦,吉他與輕快的絃樂編曲,天使的歌聲和天馬行空的創作,讓許多樂迷津津樂道
I never loved nobody fully.
Always one foot on the ground.
And by protecting my heart truly,
I got lost
In the sounds.
I hear in my mind,
All of these voices.
I hear in my mind,
All of these words.
I hear in my mind,
All of this music.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my ha-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aart.
And it breaks my ha-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aart.
Suppose I never, ever met you.
Suppose we never fell in love.
Suppose I never ever let you
Kiss me so sweet
And so sah-ah-ah-ah-oft.
Suppose I never, ever saw you.
Suppose we never, ever called.
Suppose I kept on singin' love songs
Just to break
My own fall.
Just to break my fa-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aall.
Just to break my fa-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aall.
Just to break my fa-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aall.
Break my fall.
Break my fall.
All my friends say
That of course it's
Gonna get beh'uh.
Gonna get beh'uh.
Beh'uh, beh'uh, beh'uh, beh'uh
Behtur, bettur, betterrrr, ohhh...
I never love nobody fully.
Always one foot on the ground.
And by protecting my heart truly,
I got lost
In the sounds.
I hear in my mind,
All of these voices.
I hear in my mind,
All of these words.
I hear in my mind,
All of this music.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
I hear in my mind,
All of these voices.
I hear in my mind,
All of these words.
I hear in my mind,
All of this music.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
It breaks my ha-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aart.
And it breaks my ha, ah, ah, ah, art.
And it breaks my ha-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-aart.
And it breaks my heart.
Breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.
And it breaks my heart.