哦~ 神偉大的愛Great is the love of God,
何其長闊高深How wide and high, and how deep!
竟不吝惜祂獨生愛子Sparing not even His only Son,
為我們眾人捨了 So that we all might be free.
神稱為義的人誰能控告T hose He has justified who can accuse?
誰能定他們的罪Who else but God can condemn?
神若幫助我們 誰能敵擋我們If God is for us, then who can be against us?
誰能使我與神的愛隔絕Who can separate us from His love?
難道是患難嗎 是困苦嗎Shall persecution, calamity,
是逼迫嗎 是飢餓嗎Or suffering or famine,
是赤身露體 危險 刀劍嗎O r nakedness or danger or the sword?
不論是高處的 是低處的No, neither height nor depth,Or life or death,
現在的事 將來的事Or things here now or things not yet,
都不能叫我與神的愛隔絕 C an part us from God's love in Christ our Lord!